I Scanned Yongey's Brain To Prove He Wasn't Psychic, But Then He Opened My Third Eye...

Updated Jun 23 2023 | By Edward MacCrone | Science and Culture

Could "psychic superpowers" be real? Harvard scientist Edward MacCrone says "yes" after spending months studying brain scans of famous fortune teller.

My name is Edward MacCrone and I’ve been a full-time professor at Harvard for the past 9 years.

On 25 February 2022, me and my colleagues from Harvard University’s neuroscience department made the biggest scientific discovery of our lives.

We had just finished scanning the brain of Yongey after traveling all the way to Tibet to study him. He is a 33 year old Tibetan monk and fortune teller who is rumored to have "psychic superpowers".

News outlets from all over the world interviewed Yongey after local villagers claimed he had the power to read minds, tell the future and "sense" things that were happening from a long distance away. 

His mental abilities are so powerful that even the Dalai Lama himself was said to pay annual visits to Yongey's monastery to consult Yongey for advice.

That sounds good and all, but in science we go off of facts.

That’s why we scanned Yongey’s brain using an advanced brain scanning technique called Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI).

When we did this, we saw that Yongey's brain exhibited seemingly "magical" levels of neural connectivity in regions of his brain associated with advanced cognitive functions like memory, attention and sensory perception.

There’s never been a study of a brain this advanced before in history.

We ran test after test, but nothing could explain Yongey's mental powers.

Yongey's abilitied seemed to defy science.

After 30 days of various tests that produced no results, we ran out of time and had to return to Harvard.

But I decided to stay behind by myself. Something inside of me just told me there had to be a reasonable explanation for Yongey’s abilities.

A month later I noticed something that led to a major breakthrough.

One day, Yongey invited me to join him for a group mediation. That’s when I noticed he always meditated while wearing a strange beaded necklace made using round blue stones.

Right away, I could tell the necklace was special even though I had never seen it before. 

Yongey explained that he found it on the street as a child and used it to activate his third eye at the age of 14.

After this happened, Yongey joined a Buddhist monastery and learned the truth about the necklace.

According to Yongey:


"For thousands of years, necklaces just like this one have been used by monks to unlock spiritual and psychic powers."

What Yongey said seemed impossible. How could a necklace do something like that?

To determine if the necklace had any effect on Yongey’s brain, I decided to do an experiment.

I asked Yongey to meditate twice: one time with the necklace, and one time without the necklace. 

During both of his meditations, I scanned his brain.

The results were as clear as day.

When Yongey meditated without the necklace, his brain waves were normal. I didn't detect anything unusual at all.

But when Yongey meditated using, his brain waves displayed a massive amount of neural activity in areas associated with focus, attention and cognitive processing.

This was scientific proof that the extraordinary brain waves inside Yongey's brain were caused by the necklace!

Even though I was faced with this scientific evidence, I still couldn’t believe it.

I shared my doubts with Yongey, who surprisingly understood why I had doubts.

It was as if he already knew I had doubts.

After I first arrived in Tibet to study Yongey's brain, I started meditating with Yongey to see for myself how it affects the human body.

So after I shared my doubts about the necklace, he invited me to meditate with him like we had before.

Yongey said:

“But this time, you may wear my necklace on one condition...”

“Instead of just meditating like you usually do, use my Aum mantra.”

“As you chant the mantra, count the beads on my necklace.”

“Make sure to keep your eyes focused between your eyebrows and chant the Aum mantra slowly to synchronize with your breath.”

I couldn’t believe he offered his necklace to me. Of course, I accepted. I was very curious.

Soon after we began meditating, everything seemed normal.

Gradually I began to feel a warm pressure build up between my eyebrows, as if someone was rubbing my forehead with their hand.

The feeling vanished when I finished my mediation. Was it just a coincidence?

For the next 28 days straight I repeated this same routine with Yongey.

While meditating I could feel something between my eyebrows, but whenever I stopped meditating I lost the feeling.

Then finally on the 29th day, this time the feeling didn’t just vanish.

It became more intense until, with my eyes still closed during meditation, I saw a sudden flash of blue light illuminate strange shapes I had never seen before.

My heart rate increased rapidly. I was so startled by these strange sensations that I opened my eyes and stopped meditating.

Before I could even ask Yongey what happened, he sat meditating with his eyes still closed and said…

“Edward, how does it feel to have opened your third eye?”

It’s as if he knew what I was about to ask before I could open my own mouth. 

Was he reading my mind?

From that moment on, I realized that psychic powers are beyond the understanding of modern science. It’s something that can only be understood by those who have experienced it.

After doing more research I discovered that the Lapis Lazuli stones in Yongey’s necklace were what gave his necklace power.

These stones have a stimulating effect on the Third Eye Chakra - which Yongey says is associated with intuition, perception, and wisdom.

According to ancient 500 B.C. Tibetan spiritual teachings, the Third Eye Chakra is the our body's central repository of spiritual insight and psychic abilities.

Unlocking the Third Eye Chakra enables the development of psychic powers such as prophecy, lucid dreaming, and coincidence control

The Lapis Lazuli mala unlocks the Third Eye Chakra by allowing the wearer to access altered states of consciousness, making it easier to connect to the spiritual world.

My findings from my months studying Yongey's brain tells me that Yongey's use of the Lapis Lazuli mala was the key to his exceptional brain function and psychic abilities. 

They prove that so called "psychic" abilities are imply an innate part of your brain, which had alwayds been there since the day you were born.

They are simply "blocked" until your Third Eye Chakra is activated.

But, by using Lapis Lazuli anyone can "unblock" these pre-existing, mental abilities.

After seeing firsthand the true power of the necklace Yongey used to develop his psychic powers, I came up with a plan.

With the help of Yongey and his monastery, I designed a special necklace identical to the one Yongey uses. It’s called the Lapis Lazuli Third Eye Mala.

What is the Lapis Lazuli Mala and how does it work?

Remember how Lapis Lazuli was found to be the key to Yongey's spiritual powers?

There's a catch.

Lapis Lazuli just by itself isn't enough to unlock the hidden mental powers of your mind.

That's because even though the stone is full of spiritual energy, it is "unfocused".

Picture this.

Imagine raw Lapis Lazuli stone like a powerful but scattered beam of light.

While it contains immense potential, its energy is scattered and unfocused.

This is why we make the Lapis Lazuli Third Eye Mala by hand in Tibet using a 2,500-year-old process.

By putting exactly 108 Lapis Lazuli beads (108 is an important and spiritual number in Tibetan Buddhism) you can "count" a specific mantra or intention.

As you meditate, the mala will then focus and concentrate the spiritual energies of the Lapis Lazuli beads into a laser-like beam onto your intention.

And if you wear it during meditation while also using Yongey’s Aum Mantra, it will open your Third Eye Chakra more quickly than anything else.

To recap, activating your Third Eye Chakra requires three ingredients.

  1. Lapis Lazuli, which provides spiritual energy aligned with the Third Eye Chakra.
  2. A mala necklace design, which focuses the energies of the Lapis Lazuli.
  3. An appropriate mantra for the Lapis Lazuli's energy to be focused onto.

That's why the Lapis Lazuli Mala Yongey used had such a powerful effect...

The Mala allowed Yongey to focus his Aum mantra in such a way that he opened his Third Eye Chakra.


During each meditation I do, I simply repeat the mantra "Aum" (sometimes spelt "Om") with each breath that I take.

The mantra consists of three syllables: "A", "U" and "M", which represent the three states of consciousness - waking, dreaming and deep sleep.

According to Yongey, the Aum mantra also represents the sound of creation. It symbolizes the ultimate reality and encompasses the entire universe.

Using the Aum mantra while meditating with the Mala allows me to enter altered states of consciousness and experience psychic encounters.


So if you are interested in unblocking your Third Eye Chakra to access spiritual states of mind and transform your reality, the Lapis Lazuli Third Eye Mala is the exact spiritual tool you need.

So we are thrilled to introduce you to the

Lapis Lazuli Third Eye Mala

Designed with the help of Yongey himself...

The Lapis Lazuli Third Eye Mala will let you activate your Third Eye Chakra.

If you are interested in exploring your spiritual side, and unlocking your spiritual potential...

Then the Lapis Lazuli Third Eye Mala is for you.

In fact, I'll keep saying it because it's the truth.

There is literally no other spiritual tool in the world that works as well to develop anyone's inner spiritual potential.

That's because the Lapis Lazuli Mala is the only mala out there...

That's specifically designed to help you activate your Third Eye Chakra.

The Lapis Lazuli Mala changed my life. And it can change yours too.

Oh and if you're thinking "Edward, my life is fine as it is. Why do I need to bother activating my Third Eye?"

I'm glad you asked, because that's exactly was thinking before I activated my Third Eye Chakra.

But the truth is, the process of activating my Third Eye has changed and improved my life in ways I couldn't even had imagined.

For some unexplainable reason, my frequent headaches vanished.

After years of pain and endless trips to specialist after specialist, something as simple as activating my Third Eye seemed to make all the difference. I became more energized and feel more energetic than I did when I was in my 40s.

My marriage seemed to improve

I remember one evening, my wife and I were at odds after something trivial, and for the first time in years, I could suddenly see the situation through her eyes.

My empathy dissolved the argument instantly. In the days that followed I saw new life being breathed into our marriage, deepening our relationship in a way that didn't seem possible.

My finances slowly, but surely got better

Looking back, the change was just remarkable. I had always been interested in playing the financial markets and making investments. But I was a professional brain scientist, not a investor, and nothing I invested in ever made money.

But after I activated my Third Eye Chakra, it was as if I could suddenly see invisible threads in the market.

After my Third Eye activation, I made investments that would double, even triple within months.

My business decisions were suddenly sharper.

Here's just one example.

Almost exactly one year ago, using savings from my career at Harvard, I purchased an investment property in a seemingly runshackle part of town. 

Everyone, including professional real estate investors I knew, scoffed at the idea. 

But guided by my intuition, I sensed potential that no one else did.

Six months later, a giant tech company announced they were building their new headquarters only two blocks away!

Property values in the area skyrocketed, and my seemingly "stupid" investment tripled in value. My "fools errand" became a stroke of genius that all of my friends were talking about.

But I knew it wasn't luck or chance. 

It was the clear vision and foresight that came from activating my Third Eye Chakra.

You see, the powers hidden within your Third Eye Chakra go way beyond just "psychic encounters" and mystical sensations.

Five Ways Your Life Will Change When You Activate Your Third Eye

#1: Your Brain Will Work Better and You Will Think More Clearly

Remember Yongey's extraordinary brain functions that I discovered?

Yongey's "mental superpowers" are like a treasure chest that's waiting to be unlocked.

One of our customers, a 64-year-old grandmother named Margaret, shared to to me that when she stated using the Lapis Lazuli Third Eye Mala, she's felt her mind sharpen.

"It's like a fog has lifted," she said.

"I can remember things, focus on my grandchildren, and even enjoy reading again".

#2: You Will Begin to See Financial Opportunities With Fresh Eyes

Who doesn't want a bit more security and success in their lives?

Jack, a small business owner, shared with me how wearing the Lapis Lazuli Third Eye Mala seemed to guide his decision-making in an almost magical way.

He started to see opportunities that were invisible to him before. His business began to flourish. Was it mere coincidence?

Or was it the Third Eye, guiding him towards success?

#3: You Will Unlock New Avenues in Your Relationships

The Third Eye isn’t just about intellect or money. It's about connection and understanding.

Sarah, who had struggled with a bad marriage for years, told me how she had found a renewed connection with her partner since starting her journey with the Lapis Lazuli Mala.

It’s as if we finally understand each other,” she said.

Her marriage, once on the brink of collapse, was revitalized.

Is the Lapis Lazuli Third Eye Mala a magical fix-all? No. But what it does offer is a powerful, scientifically-backed tool that could awaken the deeper parts of your mind. A mind that understands, perceives, and intuits more than you could ever imagine.

#4: You Will Discover Your Potential to Heal Your Loved Ones

What if the secret to assisting those you care about in their healing journey could be found in a Lapis Lazuli mala? 

One of our customers, Emily, was desperate to find something to alleviate her mum's persistent joint discomfort. 

They'd tried traditional methods of healing, but the stiffness and the rigidity didn't stop.

So Emily decided to try the Lapis Lazuli Third Eye Mala and activate her Third Eye.

It's like a door opened and I could channel energy to ease their pain,” she said. 

I watched them grow stronger and more vibrant each day, dancing at our family reunion for the first time in years."

"I can't explain it, but I know the mala had something to do with it."

#5: You Will Embark on a Journey of Personal Transformation

Activating your Third Eye is like opening the gateway to your undiscovered self.

One of our first customers was a 45-year-old accountant named Paul. He was making a great salary, but he felt stuck in a rut, disconnected from his passions, living a life that seemed almost scripted. 

When he began his experience with the Lapis Lazuli Mala, something within him awakened.

It was like a fog lifting,” he said.

I started painting again, something I hadn't done since college. I felt alive, connected to a part of myself I thought was lost.

Are you ready for the Lapis Lazuli Third Eye Mala

To become your portal into a new world?

After I told my friends at Harvard about my experience with the Lapis Lazuli Mala, they didn't believe me.

"Come on," they said.

"It's simply some rocks! You can simply expect us to believe that a necklace made from blue rocks can do all of that!" one of them exclaimed.

I know exactly why they were so sceptical.

In fact, before Yongey gave me his mala and opened my Third Eye, I was thinking the exact same thing.

But what I've realised since that fateful day me and my team scanned Yongey's brain...

Is that there are powers in the world that modern science simply can't explain.

And the Lapis Lazuli Third Eye Mala seems to tap into them.

What my former colleagues didn't realise...

Is that the Lapis Lazuli Third Eye Mala isn't magic. 

It's a key.

A key that opens a door within you.

A door to understanding, intuition and transformation.

It's not about superstition, but about the science of unlocking your brain's potential.

It offers a chance to explore, to expand, and to connect with a part of yourself that has laid dormant.

The Lapis Lazuli resonates with the frequency of the Third Eye Chakra.

And focuses its energies to unlock hidden energies within your brain.

When you purchase the Lapis Lazuli Third Eye Mala, you're not just buying a beautiful necklace.

You're investing in yourself, in your dreams, in your potential and the limitless possibilities that await you.

Discover the world's most powerful mala necklace for activating the Third Eye